Johnathan Carter manager at Onsight said… “Long before your climbing shoes die, they smell dead.” You know it, your climbing partner knows it, the cute girl who just scooted away from you in the bouldering cave knows it—your climbing shoes stink! And that stench is a sure sign of a bumping microbial house party happening right where you stick your little piggies every time you shoe up to climb.
The issue is bacteria. Bacteria festers and grows in humid damp climates, and your sweaty climbing shoes are the perfect brothel. Zapping the moisture from your shoes quickly is the only way to control the funk. Drypointe inserts do just that! Just drop the inserts into the shoe right after use and you’re good to go. The eco-friendly silica will work day and night to whisk away moisture leaving them fresh for your next send or sesh.